In house development v/s outsourcing play's a crucial role. Most of the ops-first company relies on offshore development and security is not taken into consideration during contract negotiations. Hence driving security initiatives are tough. Tech-first companies prefer in-house development which provides flexibility for new initiatives and provides organic environment for automation. Also, compliance and regulation plays a big role which sets low bar requirements (for ex - security maturity is bare minimum in medical devices; we need more regulation like GDPR across the globe to change this attitude) in ops-first companies which hinders the motivation. Where as security is a market differentiator in tech-first companies and drives product revenue. This in-turn drives security budget. So, alligning with strategic driving factors of an organization will play a role in the success of AppSec program initiatives.

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Good point. A company which has a culture of building software in-house has more options in terms of AppSec.

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